2022 – 2026 Strategic PlanMarch 27, 2023NewsThe Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association (DSBIA) Board undertook a strategy process in February to April 2021 to develop the Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association Strategic Plan 2021 – 2026. The fundamental purpose of strategic planning is to align an organization’s mission with its vision. Where a vision sets out the ultimate destination, the mission is the starting point for planning. This strategic plan is a road-map that will help the DSBIA navigate from its vision to its mission. As a road-map, this plan serves as a guide for directing the organization’s broad priorities and specific actions given limited resources. Resources such as people, time, effort, materials and funds will be used towards the successful outcomes of the organization’s commitments over the next five years.
Download the strategic plan [pdf]
The Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association (DSBIA) Board undertook a strategy process in February to April 2021 to develop the Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association Strategic Plan 2021 – 2026. The fundamental purpose of strategic planning is to align an organization’s mission with its vision. Where a vision sets out the ultimate destination, the mission is the starting point for planning. This strategic plan is a road-map that will help the DSBIA navigate from its vision to its mission. As a road-map, this plan serves as a guide for directing the organization’s broad priorities and specific actions given limited resources. Resources such as people, time, effort, materials and funds will be used towards the successful outcomes of the organization’s commitments over the next five years.
Download the strategic plan [pdf]