x Call for Canvas - Downtown Squamish BIA

Squamish Mural Walk Festival can turn your building into the next piece of public art!

By creating a mural on your building through the Squamish Mural Walk Festival you are not only drawing traffic and interest to the businesses inside your building you are also using the most effective method of keeping unwanted graffiti and tagging off your building.

By agreeing to be part of the Sqaumish Mural Walk Festival you can rest assured that we take care of all the work by securing any permits and insurance and handle all communications with the artist.

When you apply to be a participating downtown Squamish building owner, you get to select several artistic genres that interest you. The Artists that apply to the festival are vetted and then matched with the participating building owners.

The selected artist will then submit a draft for review and you will have one opportunity to consult with the artist for a draft alteration.

The funds that our building owners contribute go directly toward paying the professional artists their fees.