x Downtown Squamish Holiday Parade Application Form - Downtown Squamish BIA


  • The Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association and Squamish Holiday Parade Committee’s first priority is to ensure the safety of all Parade activities, volunteers, participants, and committee members, and to ensure that they comply with local health and safety regulations.
  • For an entry to be accepted into the Squamish Holiday Parade it must conform to the parade’s rules and regulations. Applications must be submitted on or before the deadline date of November 22, 2024.
  • The Squamish Holiday Parade committee reserves the right to accept or refuse any application or participation. Parade applicants will receive notice of approval to participate in the parade before the event. All handouts must be approved by the committee.
  • Youth entries (under the age of 18) are required to have two safety people walking with them on either side of the road for the duration of the parade route.
  • All entries must be cleared through registration and in position by 4:15 pm. The parade begins promptly at 5pm.
  • All floats must be decorated and incorporate the parade theme of Holiday Spirit.
  • All vehicles participating in the parade MUST be at least 75% decorated. Any vehicle lacking decorations will not be permitted to participate.
  • An approved entry may be refused on parade day should the entry not meet parade guidelines or differ from its approved entry form.
  • No entry may depict anything political, controversial, or otherwise offensive. Determination is at the sole discretion of the parade committee.
  • Any entrants of horses and/or live animals require a cleanup person along the parade route.
  • No candy or promotional material can be thrown into the crowd from floats or along the parade route. If your group would like to hand out candy or approved promotional materials, it must be done person-to-person only.
  • NO solicitation for cash or ticket sales along the parade route.
  • Alcoholic beverages are forbidden on any float, in any vehicle, or on the person of any participant. Participants consuming alcohol before or during the parade are subject to removal from the parade.
  • Smoking/Vaping/Marijuana is not permitted near parade entries or along the parade route.
  • There will be no premature exiting of the parade route. All groups must follow the organizer’s instructions and directions throughout the parade (marshaling and dispersal). The dispersal instructions must be obeyed and music is stopped immediately once entry has entered the area.
  • Parade Pace: All Entries, must be willing and sufficiently physically fit to maintain both the parade pace (3.8kph = 210ft/min) and distance of 30 feet (9m) must be maintained between parade units to prevent large gaps between entries as instructed by the “Parade Pacers”. Units creating unnecessary gaps may be removed from the parade. Forward motion must be maintained.
  • The size of the float should fall within the following guidelines: 13’ wide with a maximum height of 13’.
  • Children on floats must be supervised by an adult. If your group is large, please arrange to meet the parents at a drop off location before proceeding to the start of the parade. 
  • Lights on floats are encouraged along with music that must be festive and family-friendly.
  • Signage should be kept to a minimum and should be in proportion to the size of the float. Advertising on floats shall be limited to the name and location of the Sponsor.
  • Any participants standing on float need to ensure their safety (wear a safety harness attached to the framework or appropriate hand railing/safety guard)
  • All participants must contribute to the theme of their entry (costumes, props, dance, etc).
  • All entries must be responsible for ensuring that the design and operation of their float/entry are safe and reliable. The driver must remember at all times that there are passengers on board and that their safety is a top priority.
  • Floats with generators or other possible fire hazards must provide suitable fire extinguishing equipment onboard.
  • No Santa Claus replica may be part of any entry other than the Squamish Holiday Parade Float.
  • Your group understands that the parade will take place regardless of the weather.